Story Work & Consultation
Story Work & Consultation services are available with Diane for practitioners & lay counselors desiring to do narrative healing work within their own food & body story.

Story work includes spending time unpacking the details of specific childhood food & body stories that have impacted your current way of being in the world. We dip down into the narratives, as you feel ready, in order to identify the root of the shame, the core beliefs that formed as a result, and the tenderness needed to bring healing to the younger parts of you that experienced what you did. This work is greatly informed by my training in narrative focused trauma care for adult survivors of childhood trauma and abuse and is specifically curtailed to the healing that is available to you in the realms of food and body.
Consultation is also available for those desiring education and awareness of disordered eating, and the systems/beliefs that support it, within their professional realm of influence. Eating disorder education is often not only profoundly inadequate but deeply steeped in cultural fat phobia, particularly in medical, nutrition, counseling, and religious training. So many folks are interacting professionally with those who are struggling but feel untrained on how to support them, let alone shift the systems within their professional and personal realms of influence that may perpetuate harm. Everyone can play a part in dismantling weight stigma and diet culture within their spheres of influence! For a list of fantastic resources, also see